18 November 2019

Suffocated | China | Discografía

窒息 ~Suffocated~

País: China  
Ubicación: Beijing
Formado en: 1996
Thrash Metal
Temática de sus letras: Sentimientos internos, Lucha, Idealismo

Años de actividad: 1996 - presente (Banda activa) 
Página oficial: Facebook

Formación Actual:
Wu Gang Drums
Wu Peng Guitars
Kou Zhengyu Guitars
Liu Zheng Vocals, Bass

Escuchar tema de muestra: 不朽 ~Immortal~ (4:34)

Descargar Discografía:

1. 崩溃 ~Breakdown~
2. 还有谁 ~Who Else~
3. 生命的巅峰 ~Peak of Life~
4. 胜者为王 ~The Winner Is the King~
5. 炼狱 ~Purgatory~
6. 枭雄 ~The Ambitious Hero~
7. 迁徙之日 ~Day of Migration~
8. 灵魂在夜幕下起舞 ~The Soul Dancing Under the Curtain of Night~
9. 画皮 ~Hua Pi~
10. 殉葬 ~Martyrdom~
11. 结束这一切 ~End All This~

1. 当梦再次缠绕 (含前) ~When Dreams Entwine (Intro)~
2. 当梦再次缠绕 ~When Dreams Entwine~
3. 悲怆中前行 ~March on With Sorrow~
4. 完美宣言 ~Perfect Proclamation~
5. 一个人的峥嵘 ~Loftiness of a Man~
6. 二零零八 ~2008~
7. 窥 ~Peep~
8. 使命召唤 ~Fate's Calling~
9. 硬骨头 ~Hard Bone~
10. 当梦再次缠绕 (续) ~When Dreams Entwine (Reprise)~

1. 不朽 ~Immortal~
2. 摇滚梦 ~Rock Dreams~
3. 下一个就是你 ~Next One Is You~
4. 孤注一掷 ~Put All One's Eggs in One Basket~
5. 危险旅程 ~Perilous Journey~
6. 荡魔之路 ~Swing the Magic of the Road~
7. 你我都是伪善者 ~You and I Are Hypocrites Who Attack~
8. 盛世悲歌 ~Saatchi & Elegy~

(2017) 身躯就是最坚硬的金属 ~Your Body Is the Hardest Metal~

1. 你就是传奇 ~You Are Legend~
2. 雏鹰 ~Eagle's Sky~
3. 穿越无人区 ~Through the No-Man's Land~
4. 燃烧 ~Burn~
5. 穹顶之下 ~Under the Dome~
6. 告别前夜 ~Farewell to the Past~
7. 还有谁 ~Who Else~
8. 枭雄 ~Warrior King~
9. 胜者为王 ~Privilege of the Conqueror~
10. 殉葬 ~Sacrificial Burial~
11. Under the Dome (Instrumental)

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